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A Model DaughterEvie Hirschhorn
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Lisa DePaulo
Nov 12, 2018
In Holidays
Mom always stuffed the bird, so I do too. She did, however, take a few precautions. She squeezed an orange into the cavity, and the rest on the turkey, and always told me never to stuff it until the last minute. No one died. At least not from stuffing. She made a very Italian stuffing that she got from the Mamma Leone's cookbook--with sweet sausage, rye bread (yes rye), celery, onions, grated cheese, lots of great spices, and a shot of whiskey at the end. I do a variation of hers--I add some sourdough. This year I'm going to add cornbread and apples,though she might turn over in her grave. She also poured a stick of melted butter (though she used, gasp, margarine) over the bird before she put it in the oven. And about halfway through, she nailed a link of Italian sausage on top--it made the skin such a gorgeous color and added great flavor.
Lisa DePaulo
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